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Gamification - making online shopping fun! (a chat with Hullabalook)

ecommerce Gamification SaaS Startup

Hullabalook aim to make product discovery fun from its current offices located in True.'s incubator/accelerator space in Victoria, just around the corner of the old House of Fraser head office.

"We build beautiful and playful online shopping experiences that help to make finding the products we want to buy faster and easier." (Hullabalook)

The company launched in June 2016 and moved into the True. space almost immediately and have been there since. Hullabalook is now a team of 10 people backed by Passion Capital and Playfair Capital.

Clients already include, Houseology, Mamas & Papas, Kavehome and John Lewis. An impressive lineup for such a young startup! However, Bryony (one of the two co-founders) thinks this is only the start...

Source: Hullabalook. White goods gamified browsing.

"Our aim was to penetrate the furniture market first. The furniture market is almost as big as fashion, but under served by suppliers. In fashion there are multiple suppliers. On the back of our furniture revenue we are now adding fashion retailer functionalitites. So, we are aiming to do the same for fashion retailers - making online shopping fun." (Hullabalook)

The 10-strong team at Hullabalook does not include any graphic designers as the company think they provide the data flow, analysis and functionality to create the discovery interface and make it fun. More importantly, most of their clients add their own UX and design tweaks.

Being part of True.'s Growth incubator programme also means the company has experienced accelerated growth and an ability to get in front of retailers they may not have been able to without True.'s support and contact network.


True. was founded about 4.5 years ago. The company set-up is in two main parts: True. Growth focusing on early stage investments up to £500k and True. PE with investments in the range £10-50m. The company also operate a number of pre-seed deals up to £50k. Most of their earlier stage investments are in some way related to retail or consumer with about 70% technology investments.

The investor has built a formidable partnership group of retailers and associated companies including Morrisons, John Lewis, Woolworths (SA), TJ Maxx (US), LLX and others.

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