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STIQ Robotics & Automation Networking Events


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DATE: November 13th, 2024
LOCATION: Hill Dickinson (Broadgate Tower), Shoreditch, London, UK (link)
5.30pm - 9pm (with drinks after at a nearby pub)
LINKEDIN: Follow STIQ Robotics LinkedIn page + POST on the event using #STIQrobotics
PRESENTING COMPANIES: AutoStore, UBtech, Unitree, Q-bot, Foster + Partners, QMUL, Autonomous Agri Solutions, NOC/MARS, She Can Engineer, Automata
 OPEN NOW  ("Service providers" should contact us directly before registering, i.e. recruiters, pr firms, etc. We reserve the right to refuse entry.)


Please DO NOT REGISTER for this event if you will NOT be in London, UK on Nov 13th.  


Short video clip intro of STIQ Robotics (courtesy of Sky-Drones). From #4 event.


What are STIQ Robotics events?

  • STIQ Robotics is a series of informal evening networking events focusing on the robotics industry (including warehouse automation, humanoids, cobots, industrial robots, medical robots, factory automation, etc).
  • Each event is split into networking breaks and two batches of 4x5min presentations from startups, sponsors, etc.
  • There is ample time for networking, remember to load up your LinkedIn app on your phone to connect with everyone you meet at a STIQ Robotics event 

Why did STIQ start up the STIQ Robotics events?

  • STIQ interviews warehouse automation, material handling and robotics companies across the globe and found that we rarely interview companies in the UK.
  • STIQ Robotics was initially an attempt at fostering a better robotics ecosystem in the UK, giving the few robotics companies here a chance to network and learn from each other, investors, incumbents, students and others to grow and, hopefully, new exciting startups to form
  • Increasingly, STIQRobotics events attract users and foreign robotics companies

What can I expect as a presenter or as an attendee?

  • It is free to attend a STIQ Robotics event
  • Networking with c.100 attendees from a wide variety of companies including investors, incumbents, startups, postgrad students, component suppliers, etc.
  • Drinks and pizza (some events may have other foods/options - we try to cater for allergies, etc. as well) provided by sponsors
  • 6-10 presentations at each event broken into two sessions book ended by networking sessions

Can anyone attend your events?

  • Yes, we welcome students, recent startups, investors, incumbents, legacy companies, etc.
  • Note that space for recruiters and other service providers may be limited depending on sponsors

Companies that have presented at past events:

  • Bots and Us (now Dexory), Inovo Robotics, Karakuri, Opteran, Robot Center, Ross Robotics, Sky Drones, Centaur Robotics, Foresight Williams VC, Ice Nine, Magway, Muddy Machines, Oxbotica, Remix Robotics, Touchlab, UCL, Animal Dynamics, Automated Architecture, Fox Robotics, Hausbots, Maxon, QMUL, Slamcore, United Robots, Acuity Robotics, Arnaud Thiercelin, Bladebug, Cambridge Sensoriis, Crover, Mo-Sys, Serg Technologies, Small Robot Company, Wootzano, Onshape/PTC, Benedex, Listt, E-nano, Staxel, Volant Autonomy, Cyclopic, Prosper Robotics, Imperial College, Arrival, Unmanned Life, HAL Robotics, Covariant, Wayve, Cambrian Robotics, OPLOG, Kaustubh Nande, Ross Robotics, Enging, Extend Robotics, Coalescent Mobile Robotics, Kaikaku, Cambridge Consultants, StrongPoint, Recycleye, Bow, Eisa Botic



STIQ Robotics #7: 8 May, 2024
Host: Hill Dickinson
Sponsors: onshape + Cambridge Consultants

STIQRobotics 7th in-person meetup event gathered c.100 attendees at Hill Dickinson's Shoreditch offices to see presentations from onshape, Cambridge Consultants, Extend Robotics, Recycleye, Coalescent Robotics, Bow, StrongPoint, EisaBotics, and Kaikaku

Attendees included Wayve with their recently announced $1bn+ funding round (all dressed in money suits... not really), Johnson & Johnson, Asendia, Ocado, Kaikaku, Brightpick, Covariant, AWL, Coalescent Robotics, Islington Robotica, National Oceanography Centre, Dexory, and many others including a few university students about to graduate into AI and Robotics this summer - we wish all these student good luck and also that they return to our events once they have found jobs in the sector.

Displays of robotics from Eisabotics (PhD project), Kaikaku, Cambridge Consultants, and Extend Robotics.

As usual, the focus of STIQrobotics events is to keep presentations to a strict time limit for the benefit of important networking. We also tried our best to enforce our informal rule that people from the same organisations are not allowed to talk to each other at our events.

If you attended - please share some images of the event on social media or let us know your thoughts. Use the #STIQrobotics hashtag if you post, etc. 

If you were unable to attend - here's the livestream recording of the presentations. 

Images from the #7 STIQ Robotics event

onshape presented the advantages of their CAD software.

Cambridge Consultants presented their business and talked about flexible robotics for surveying.

Chang from Extend Robotics presented their remote control/access solution for robotics. 

Bow presented their robotics software solution. 

James at StrongPoint talked about their offering an also what startups should think about when they want to partner with system integrators. 

Clio from Coalescent Robotics in Denmark kindly visited to present their fleet management solution and robots for use in retail and grocery stores.

Eisa presenting his PhD project with a tail for humans to offset balancing issues. 

Lively presentation from David at Kaikaku

Q&A with Cambridge Consultants

STIQ's Tom Andersson selfie with attendees. Full house.

Kaikaku food robot in green with dispensing tubes and EisaBotic robotic tail for humans in the background on display.

Here's a few video shorts from the event:

1. (people networking)

2. (Robot food by Kaikaku)


STIQ Robotics #6: 8 Nov, 2023
Host: Hill Dickinson
Sponsors: Covariant + OPLOG

STIQ Robotics 6th in-person meetup event gathered c.110 attendees at Hill Dickinson's Shoreditch offices to see presentations from Covariant, Wayve, HAL Robotics, Meili Robots, e-Nano, Kaustubh Nande, Enging, Cambrian Robotics and OPLOG

Attendees included: Advent International, Asda, Balyo, Britbots, Consafe Logistics, Crimson NXT, DCA Design, Exotec, Foster + Partners, Gillespie Manners, Molten VC, Nomagic, Innovate UK/KTN, Jacobs, Ocado Solutions, Ross Robotics, Staxel, TAIT, and many others.

There were also live robotics presentations from a number of companies. 

Images from the event:

STIQ Robotics event #6 CovariantSTIQ Robotics event #6STIQ Robotics event #6


Livestream (recording) of presentations:


STIQ Robotics #5: 10 May, 2023
Host: Pinsent Masons
Sponsors: Onshape, Gillespie Manners

STIQ Robotics 5th in-person event gathered c.90 people at Pinsent Masons offices in Shoreditch to view presentations from Onshape, Arrival, Prosper, Listt, Benedex, Staxel, Volant Autonomy, Imperial College, Unmanned Life

There were also live robotics presentations from a number of companies. 

Images from the event:

Livestream (recording) of presentations:


STIQ Robotics #4: 8 Feb, 2023
Host: Shoosmiths
Sponsors: Onshape, Gillespie Manners

STIQ Robotics 4th in-person event gathered c.120 people at Shoosmiths offices in the City of London to view presentations from Onshape, Wootzano, BladeBug, Acuity Robotics, Crover, Arnaud Thiercelin, Stellar Robotics, and Cambridge Sensoriis

Images from the event:

Livestream (recording) from the event:

STIQ Robotics #3: 16 Nov, 2022
Host: Shoosmiths
Sponsors: maxon, Gillespie Manners

STIQ Robotics 3rd in-person event gathered c.90 people at Shoosmiths offices in the City of London to view presentations from maxon, Fox Robotics, United Robots, Hausbots, SLAMcore, Animal Dynamics, Automated Architecture, and Queen Mary University London

Images from the event:

No video from this event