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STIQ Reports - Which to read? How do they relate to each other?


How do STIQs market reports relate to each other and which reports should you read if you are interested in a particular topic?

To date, STIQ has published free market reports on 10 topics. Some of these reports have been published annually for 5 years, such as the Goods to Person Solutions report (G2P Solutions).

But, did you know that all STIQs reports relate to and overlap with other reports?  

The image below highlights the relations between the reports. These relationships are based on the technology covered in the report.


eGrocery Infrastructure

For example, if you are interested in online grocery order fulfilment technologies, you may already have read the eGrocery Infrastructure report.

This report relates to, and overlaps with, four other reports - namely, G2P Solutions, AGV & AMR Robotics, Autonomous Delivery Vehicles and AR & VR in Retail by virtue of the technologies covered (see all reports here)

Autonomous Delivery Vehicles

If you are interested in Autonomous Delivery Vehicles and want to know more about the wider sector, you may also be interested in STIQs market reports on eGrocery Infrastructure, Legged Robotics, AGV & AMR Robotics, Farm & Agriculture Robots and Drones (the latter is a planned report).

Use our maps (will be updated when we publish new reports in the future) to find our more interesting topics and how the sector you read about overlaps with STIQs other robotics reports. 


You can find ALL STIQs report here

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