Blog Posts
- 에르메스는 왜 고소당했나?
- Trade Show Review: LogiMAT 2024, Stuttgart, Germany
- 세계 최고 인기의 럭셔리 스포츠 브랜드 Top 10
- Trade Show Review: Modex 2024, March, Atlanta, Georgia, US
- Trade Show Review: NRF2024, January, New York, US
- Visit to UK 3PL to view G2P automation deployment
- 온라인 럭셔리플랫폼들, 부진 극복 아이디어는?
- STIQ Robotics networking event #6 review
- Trade Show Visit: Parcel + Post 2023
- Automation Sector Valuations in Decline. Really? No way!
- 니들스, 나비심볼의 일본 스트리트웨어 브랜드
- Trade Show Report: Logis Tech Tokyo, 2023
- 쉬인과 포에버21의 조인은 상장을 위한 노력?
- 카사블랑카, 글로벌성장 겨냥한 펀딩 유치
- 자라를 럭셔리처럼 보이도록…이미지 고급화 중
- 스니커즈 유통, DTC 에서 다시 홀세일로 회귀
- Trade Show Report: LogiMAT 2023
- #5 Networking Event by STIQ Robotics
- A Crowded Cube Storage Space
- Trade Show Review: Promat 2023
- 패션산업, 넷제로에 도전…탄소소재가 해답?
- 쉬인을 압박하는 티무(Temu)의 정체는?
- #4 Networking Event by STIQ Robotics
- URG acquired Robotnik, Jan 2023
- Trade Show report: NRF, New York, 2023
- STIQ Reports - Which to read? How do they relate to each other?
- Market Research: A market worth $51bn by 2030!
- Festival Report: BT Robotics Festival
- #3 Robotics Networking Event, Nov 16th by STIQ "TLA Robotics"
- TESLA Optimus Humanoid: A view
- Conference & Trade Show Report: Groceryshop 2022
- Amazon acquire Cloostermans
- Trade Show Report: IMHX 2022
- SoftBank and Robotics Investments
- Amazon to acquire iRobot for $1.7bn
- Proteus by Amazon: STIQs view
- Why pay for expensive market research when you can get it for free?
- #2 Robotics Networking Event, July 19th by STIQ & TLA Robotics
- Fabric lays off 40% and shifts business model
- 2022 HIKRobot IPO
- Trade show report: Shoptalk Europe 2022
- Trade Show Report: LogiMAT 2022
- Conference Report: Robotics Summit, Boston MA (USA)
- Autonomous Store Visit (Aldi + AiFi)
- Trade Show Report: AWS Summit, London 2022
- Trade Show Report: Retail Technology Show 2022
- Amazon's new $1bn Industrial Innovation Fund
- Trade Show Report: SiTL
- Modex 2022 Most Talked About: Opex Infinity
- Trade Show Report: Modex 2022
- #1 Robotics Networking Event, March 23rd by STIQ & TLA Robotics
- 러시아의 우크라이나 침공과 패션산업
- Trade Show Report: Retail Supply Chain + Logistics
- More Warehouse Automation funding: RightHand Robotics picks up $66m
- AutoStore Q4 results; Rocketing results symptomatic of the sector
- Ocado Re:imagined - STIQs view
- NRF 2022, Day 3 (final day)
- NRF 2022, Day 2
- NRF 2022, Day 1
- NRF 2022, Day 0
- AWS RoboMaker - What's Amazon up to in robotics?
- 킬로세일 비즈니스의 부상
- Trade Shows Restarted... Yeah! A review of Advanced Engineering & Saltex
- 런던에 '구찌 써콜로' 폽업매장 오픈...구찌 100주년 기념
- A review of PPMA trade show, September 2021
- 토스트의 브랜딩...슬로패션과 크래프트
- 셀프릿지스 백화점 매각한다
- A review of DELIVER (online) June 2021
- 록다운 해제되면...소비 다시 살아날까?
- 텔파 (Telfar)...판데믹에 떠오른 컬트 브랜드
- 럭셔리에 다양성을...LVMH의 제이지와 리하나와의 파트너십
- 브렉싯으로 혼돈에 빠진 영국 패션산업
- 2021년 패션산업의 키 이슈는?
- 다시 록다운...영국 크리스마스 경기 타격
- 리사이클은 패션산업에서 필수가 되나?
- ‘신상품 없는’ 패션잡지 탄생…순환형 패션을 위해서
- 방문객 줄어든 런던 하이스트리트의 위기
- 포스트 판데믹…리테일은 이제 AR 과 결합?
- 포스트판데믹…DTC 비즈니스 모델 부상
- 포스트판데믹…이커머스 강화는 필수
- 파산 모면한 제이크루(J Crew)…영국 시장에서 철수
- NEW Online Directory for the Warehouse Automation ecosystem
- 부후(의 위기…‘비윤리적’ 브랜드 이미지
- 포스트 록다운의 패션산업...B2B의 디지털화
- 포스트록다운…영국 매장들 드디어 오픈!!
- 록다운에 팔리는 패션상품은?
- 록다운에도 매출 늘리는 부후(
- 해리 스타일스와 빌리 아일리시…Gen Z의 스타일 아이콘
- 나이키…패션에서 No1 파워 브랜드
- 코로나바이러스 여파…유럽/미국 어패럴시장 40% 매출 감소 전망
- How will automation fare post-Covid 19?
- 셧다운 유럽…집에서 DIY 레저 중?
- 코로나바이러스...줄줄이 문 닫는 유럽 브랜드와 백화점들
- 짐샥(Gymshark)…커뮤니티 구축으로 성공한 영국의 피트니스웨어
- 유니크한 상품…영 제너레이션의 구매 우선순위
- Trade Show update: Logimat cancelled
- 유럽 패션산업…로컬 및 근거리 소싱으로 전환?
- A review of Retail Without Borders 2020
- 패션산업의 악재로 떠오른 코로나바이러스
- 패션렌탈서비스…백화점에서 폽업매장으로 테스트
- STIQ @ Trade Shows and Conferences in 2020
- A review of NRF Big Show, New York, January 2020
- NRF2020: The calm before the storm and assorted problems... solved
- Central Research Laboratory Pitch Event, London - Nov 28th, 2019
- Events we will be visiting (and reviewing): Leaders in Logistics, Denmark, March 23-24, 2020
- A review of Noah London Conference, October 2019
- A review of IoT Week, COEX Trade Centre, Seoul, South Korea
- A Review of Ecommerce Expo, London Olympia, UK September 2019
- A Review of IMHX, NEC Birmingham, UK, 2019
- A Review of FT Future of Retail conference by Financial Times Live, 2019
- Lego and the lure of the Direct to Consumer channel
- Farfetch vs Boohoo: Two fashion retailers compared
- Harrods and Immersive Retail technologies
- Microsoft's new Oxford Circus store, summer 2019
- The next big thing? Pop-up warehouses!
- Immersive retail? Our next In-Depth report...
- PS None of these people are real
- Is Carrefour's use of Blockchain technology just a marketing ploy?
- ‘패스트패션’에 이어 ‘패스트홈’ 뜬다?
- 할인의 매력 vs 재고 처리… 샘플세일과 오프 프라이스 리테일
- 오프라인 의류 매장…백화점 포맷이 정답?
- 아프리카 패션의 부상.. 다양성 vs 아프리카 시장 개발
- A review of IRX 2019; a new AMR supplier joining the market?
- Industry 4.0 conference at the UK Manufacturing Technology Centre
- Retailers! Adopt Alibaba's innovation processes to drive high street traffic.
- Asian retailers are adapting technology on a different scale
- A review of LogiMat, 2019
- A review of EuroCIS, February 2019
- Should Amazon start technology licensing?
- A review of Robotics at NRF 2019
- NRF 2019 Review of Frictionless Stores
- How do you explain to your customers that their elbows look like Cheerios?
- NRF 2019 (National Retail Federation), New York Jan 13-15
- A review of Noah London Conference, October 2018
- Manhattan Associates #MAExchange in Amsterdam 2018
- Are ecommerce retailers prepared for coordinated consumer action?
- A review of eCommerce Expo, Olympia London September 26-27, 2018
- A review of Connected World Summit & AI Tech World
- This is how you do scaffolding in Harrod's style
- A review of the FT Future of Retail event by Financial Times
- Emart Everyday cashier-less store in Gangnam, Seoul
- Farfetch IPO - Our view
- The story of House of Fraser
- What CEO's need to know about cannibalisation and exponential complexity of the omni-channel
- The real reason for the demise of high street retailers - customer service
- Arket - interesting concept store, but lacking in details
- A review of VR World Event - 2018 by Nexus Media
- A review of RBTE 2018
- 90년대 스포츠웨어 브랜드의 부활
- 스트라이프-런던 스타일 트렌드
- 서플라이어를 공개하는 의류 브랜드들
- A review of Retail Without Borders by We Are Pentagon
- 팔래스(Palace)가 쿨한 이유?
- How to measure customer delight?
- Retailers IT estate the next battle ground for suppliers & partners?
- A review of The Delivery Conference by MetaPack
- Zara Concept Store in Westfield Stratford, London
- APPLY: Fashion Tech Accelerator, closing Feb 28, 2018
- Day 3 @ NRF Big Show, New York
- Day 2 @ NRF Javits New York
- Day 1 @ NRF Javits New York
- Seasonality gone out of the window? Tesco easter products on display Jan 2nd...
- 돌아온 피오루치! 에너지와 희망이 키?
- The Boohoo & Missguided effect is creating new business in Manchester; this time LOTD
- China Watch: Self-Serve Convenience Stores
- Last mile delivery using network of autonomous delivery vehicles
- Gamification - making online shopping fun! (a chat with Hullabalook)
- Show Review: FinTech Connect Live, Excel, London, UK. Dec 6-7, 2017
- Breakfast meeting @ Retail Week Prospect, 4 Dec 2017
- Europe's busiest shopping street to become a 'people only' place; London's Oxford Street to transform from 2018
- Christmas Windows 2017: Piccadilly, Regent Street, Oxford Street and Argyll Street
- What is happening at Shop Direct?
- A Review of AI Europe Conference, London Nov 21-22, 2017
- Is the future of Retail Technology visual? | A review of Tech London Associates event Oct 3, 2017
- Trade show report: Ecommerce Expo, London, September 2017
- What has Walmart and Farfetch in common?
- 럭셔리 아울렛, 비스터 빌리지의 정체는?
- New CMO at Farfetch: Third CMO since 2013!
-, a Nordic Fashion Retail IPO success story
- Farfetch's Store of the Future... is it already old?
- Our next Retail diagnostic report will be on... Arcadia Group (Topshop)
- Styleintelligence on the panel at TechPitch 4.5
- Who will buy Jimmy Choo?
- The latest online retailer to go offline... Alibaba!
- Arket (the sheet), H&M's new format following disappointing sales growth
- British Fashion Ecommerce divided by geography and sector
- Why Liberty and Farfetch should merge
- 누드는 비지니스 아이디어
- How will Trump's tax on non-US manufactured goods hit robots?
- 원사이즈(one size)의 매력? 브랜디 멜빌의 성공
- Boohoo Christmas trading update Jan 10, 2017
- 매치스패션…편집매장 트렌드 리더?
- 세일과 행사의 시대
- Boohoo plc aims from the hip with $20m bid for NastyGal crown jewels
- Fashion Discount Outlets; The Open Secret
- Supreme Store, 3/4 Peter Street, London
- See Now Buy Now 모델-파라다임 전환인가?
- Amazon vs Tesco: A comparison of two different ecommerce approaches
- Online going Offline: VR360 of store on Tottenham Court Road, London
- A walk in Seven Dials in London Dec 7th, 2016 - 360 Video
- State of Fashion 2016, Challenges & Opportunities by McKinsey
- 임원들... 밀레니얼에게 배운다
- 셀프릿지스...잡화의 데스티네이션?
- Wrist-worn Wearables Commoditization
- A Virtual Look Inside Selfridges Department Store, Oxford Street, London, UK
- Princes Trust for Christmas Gifts? Supporting London start-ups
- Best UK Christmas Adverts 2016
- Nike Hyper Adapt 1.0 available from Dec 1st, 2016 @ $720.00
- Where has the omni-channel gone?
- Marks & Spencer…옷보다 식품
- And the prize for the most boring store interior in London's Oxford Street goes to...
- This week in Fashion Technology & Retail: Nov 5-11, 2016
- Primark revenues within touching distance of £6bn + 360 Interior Views of Oxford Street Store
- 360 Interior View of Office, Shoe Retailers in London's Oxford Street
- 360 Interior View of Accessorize Oxford Street
- 런던의 Kenzo x H&M 컬렉션 론칭 현장
- Using gamification to drive inventory discovery and conversion rate?
- How are consumers influenced by the models used in product photography?
- Nike slated by Bank of America research; Why we think different
- Is there a future for Wearables? Narrative goes bust - resurfaces...
- 코치와 버버리가 합병한다면?
- 브렉싯? 영국 패션산업 가격 인플레이션 위기
- Some Oxford Street Store Fronts Oct-16
- Styleintelligence celebrate 12 months of FashionTech cover with content syndication by leading Artificial Intelligence company
- 오프라인 매장 확장...멀티 채널로 가는 아마존
- 아디다스, Z.N.E. 후디 론칭…프리미엄 아슬레저 푸시
- Illum Copenhagen, Denmark
- Pokemon Go in the Fashion world??
- Fenwick on Bond Street blooming
- Jack Wills in the Red
- The Death of Algorithm Style Advice?
- Have your own fashion brand? Dont forget to apply to Asos Fashion Discovery!
- Adidas x Parley Shoes - Upcycling Ocean Plastics
- Topshop x bPAY accessories collaboration with Barclaycard
- Style Advice Website Raises £4m from Balderton and Beringea.
- FashionTech Companies Join the Fashion Fusion Challenge - Closing Aug 1, 2016
- UK Retail Vacancy Rates
- Why Nike's HyperAdapt 1.0 Shoes Are Changing The Face of Wearables and FashionTech Forever
- 라프 시몬즈가 캘빈 클라인으로 갈까?
- 디자이너의 이직…창의적인 압력과 컨트롤 이슈 때문?
- Goxip Raises $1.6m - Making Instagram Shoppable
- Burberry Seeking Chief of Cost Cutting
- Superdry moves against the grain with a 21% increase in revenues
- Kathryn Sargent - Savile Row's First Female Tailor
- Online going offline?
- Burberry C-level State of Flux
- Farfetch raises $110million
- Joules Ltd to list on AIM
- Benetton - What Next?
- Virtual Fitting market shaping up for Kids too?
- New Report - FashionTech: Visual Search